BBC Chinese, Nov 2, 2011 ... hou8tiangong1.shtml (2) 解放军放宽征兵标准 军队管理面临挑战. VOA Chinese, Nov 2, 2011. ... uits-133101278.html (3) 调查:俄罗斯和中国公司最可能在境外行贿. VOA Chinese, Nov 2, 2011. ... ribe-133097368.html Note: The report is based on Bribe Papers Index Report 2011. Transparency International, undated. ("The 2011 Bride Payers Index ranks the likelihood of companies from 28 leading economies to win business abroad by paying bribes") Click "RESULTS" in the top horizontal bar. In the new web page, there are two tables each armed with a vertical bar on the right margin to move up or down (Taiwan 19th, China 27th and Russia 28th out of 28). (4) 林恕暉, 智庫民調:蔡35.9% 馬32.2% 宋13.7%. Liberty Times, Nov 3, 2011 (available now). Note: 新台灣智庫 leans toward DPP. (5) 曹郁芬, 美國前駐布吉納法索大使辛恩:中國終結台灣外交 金援非洲堅持一中牌. Liberty Times, Nov 3, 2011 (available now) ("美國前駐布吉納法索大使辛恩(David Shinn)今天在參議院指出,中國援助或貸款給非洲國家幾乎沒有政治條件,唯一的例外是堅持一個中國原則") Note: David H Shinn The two English surnames Shinn and Skinner means the same: stripping fur from animals. In the case of Shinn: from Old English scinn, Middle English shin ‘hide’, ‘pelt’. In Middle English this word was replaced by the Norse equivalent, skinn. |