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标题: 美媒指台推动军购不力,台国防部反驳 [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 7-27-2011 12:29
标题: 美媒指台推动军购不力,台国防部反驳

VOA Chinese, July 27, 2011

Note: The report cites
Bill Gertz, Chinese Jets Chase US Surveillance Jet Over Taiwan Strait. Washington Times, July 25, 2011.

(1) Ben Blanchard and Phil Stewart, China Protests US Spy Flights Near Its Coast. Reuters, July 27, 2011
(discrepancy over where it happened. Taiwan military said in Taiwan Strait but Pentagon points to East China Sea)

(2) 英国驱逐利比亚外交官,承认反对派

(3) 中国首艘改建航母或于八月试水
(the last paragraph: "海军军事学术研究所研究员、海军大校李杰对媒体表示,中国可以制造巨型油轮,“但大型军舰的钢板设计、飞行甲板技术以及船体的抗盐碱度等技术,还不能完全满足制造航母的要求")

My comment: There is no need ot read the rest, for there is nothing new. Compared with
, it is news only because 中国国防部发言人耿雁生 confirmed its existence.

(4) Backgrounder: Aircraft carriers. Xinhua, July 27, 2011
("The first modern aircraft carrier, the 14,459-ton HMS Argus, was built by Britain in May 1918 and was capable of carrying 20 aircraft")

(5) David Axe, China’s Plan to Beat U.S.: Missiles, Missiles and More Missiles. Wired, July 27, 2011
("In an air war over Taiwan, hundreds of miles from most Chinese bases, only those 50 fighters would be able to spend more than a few minutes’ flight time over the battlefield. Factoring in tankers, China’s four-to-one advantage in jet fighters compared to Taiwan actually shrinks to a roughly seven-to-one disadvantage. The gap only grows when you add U.S. fighters to the mix")
(a) For H-6U, see Xian H-6
(section 2.2 Aerial refuelling versions, includng Xian HY-6U, where HY-6 stands for Hongzhaji You 油-6)
(b) The article mentions a bunch names, who are obviously authors of papers that appear in Chinese Aerospace Power.

(6) Vincent Y. Chao and Shih Hsiu-chuan, Wu Rejects Killer’s Homage to Taiwan. Taipei, July 26, 2011 (available now)
(Taiwan premier rejected Norwegian killer's manifesto that praised Taiwan's "monoculturalism")



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