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标题: Lockheed CEO Wants to Sell Taiwan F-16C/Ds [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 9-7-2011 11:33
标题: Lockheed CEO Wants to Sell Taiwan F-16C/Ds

Jim Wolf, Lockheed CEO Eyes New F-16s for Taiwan. Reuters, Sept 6, 2011
(CEO Robert "Stevens said he knew that the administration had not yet made a decision on the F-16s")

(1) 美考虑对台军售 北京重申反对立场. BBC Chinese, Sept 7, 2011

(2) Wall Street Journal re-published the editorial "Congress and Taiwan" yesterday (Sept 6) in the US edition, having published the same in ASIA Wall Street Journal on Sept 1, 2011.

(3) 蔡英文会安倍:中国军力扩展令人不安. VOA Chinese, Sept 7, 2011

(4) 马英九绿卡又成竞选话题. VOA Chinese, Sept 6, 2011.

(5) Patrick Lin, Little Faith in Taiwan's Judiciary: Poll. AFP, Sept 7, 2011
("About 81 percent of 2,055 people interviewed in July said they did not believe judges had the skills to reach fair decisions, according to the survey conducted by the National Chung Cheng University")

(a) Michael Wines, Leaked Cables Offer Glimpses Into Relations of US and China. New York Times, Sept 6, 2011.

(b) 维基揭密披露中美政府互动电文. VOA Chinese, Sept 6, 2011
("丹佛大学的赵穗生教授表示,这些电文没有太多新意,充其量只是证实了长期以来研究国际关系的学者们所谈的一些国际关系特别是美中关系中的敏感问题。他说:'因为中国和伊朗在核武器的交易方面已经是公开的秘密 * * *'")

(a) 维基解密揭露台湾政坛内斗. VBBC Chinese, Sept 7, 2011.
(b) Mo Yan-chih, WIKILEAKS: KMT Rushes to Deny Claims About Internal Struggles. Taipei Times, Sept 8, 2011 (available now).
(c) Ma 'Loathes' Soong: WikiLeaks Cable. China Post (Taipei), Sept 7, 2011.‎
("on relations between Taiwan and mainland China, [KMT rising star  Eric Chu Li-lun (朱立倫)] said Ma, unlike Lien, was not naive about the China issue. As such, he would not heed the advice of Lien Chan on this matter")

(8) Chris Wang, Cables Outline PRC View on ‘Consensus; Taiwan Affairs Office Director Wang Yi told the US ambassador in Beijing in 2008 that ‘both sides essentially accept there is only one China.' Taipei Times, Sept 8, 2011 (available now).


In "a leaked US cable dated Dec. 24, 2008 * * * 'Both sides now accept and recognize the 1992 consensus, which means that both sides essentially accept there is only one China,' Wang [Yi 王毅] was quoted as telling [then US Ambassador to China Clark] Randt

"in another cable dated March 21, 2008 * * * The cable also quoted Sun Shengliang (孫盛良), director of the same institute’s economics department, as saying the 'consensus was basically invented by KMT scholar Su Chi (蘇起).' The cable showed Randt making a side note that it was the first time his embassy had heard the Chinese acknowledge this point.

(9) Taiwan High-Speed Rail Reports First Profit. AFP, Aug 31, 2011.

(a) Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation

From the tag 關於高鐵 in the top horizontal bar, select menu
財物資料 >

and reach
臺灣高速鐵路有限公司 財務報告. 民國100年及99年六月三十日
(b) At the preceding report, 資產負債表 at page 4 shows debt 負債 is essentially unchanged, compared with the first half, a year ago.

損益表 at page 5 shows interest payment 利息費用 is essentially unchaged from the same period, a year ago. The change is dramatic increase of revenue 營業收入, thanks to end of recession. (Footnotes 附註(四) 重要會計科目之說明 starts at page 14, and (五)關係人交易, at 35.)

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