夏小华, 蔡奇台湾行日记遭删 十年前他留给台湾人什么印象?自由亚洲电台, Oct 25, 2022.
https://www.rfa.org/mandarin/yat ... 10252022072826.html
(i) 楊煦
(1908 (born in 山东曲阜)-2013; in 1953 married 泰雅族林凤英; 1955年,他从台北中华基督教浸信会 [Baptist] 基督教学院毕业; in 1964 established the orphanage)
Quote: "1973年6月17日,时任行政院长的蒋经国南下视察,当座车由藤枝沿山路而下之际,他见到国旗在山上飘扬,便询问随行的高雄县长林渊源是不是有一所小学。在得知是一家孤儿院后,众人便从吊桥走过去参观。杨煦起初不信院童的通报,到桥头一看才得知是真是蒋院长来访。蒋经国认为育幼院的地名 [六龟乡] '大苦苓' 不雅,建议建议改名 '东溪。' 到1980年10月16日为止,蒋经国就来了六次,并在第三次时遇到了院童杨恩典 [a female born without hand],引起大众注目。 杨煦与萧献泽、张赞盛、罗文堂、戴荣光、吕酒瓶、李忠祥、龚新通、黄斌璋、黄文彦、林寅一同列为蒋经国 '十一位民间友人' ")
(A) It is unclear why he came to Taiwan in 1948 (age 40), as opposed to 1949.
(B) 苦苓 Melia azedarach
("is native to Indomalaya and Australasia. * * * Fruits are poisonous [to humans but not to birds] * * * The main utility of chinaberry is its timber=")
Its current range is "throughout the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent and China." from the Web.
(ii) 楊煦 "自幼就是個孤兒." from the Web.
(b) "六龟育幼院资深组长刘行健回忆,当时钟绍和立委 [KMT] 陪同浙江经贸文化参访团 * * * '合唱团唱几首歌接待他,唱到一首《那双看不见的手》,看到他很感动,他们虽然被教导没有信奉宗教,但感受到爱在这里,非常伟大。一方面合唱团唱的歌,一方面老牧师精神感动他。老牧师是山东人,1948年来到台湾办育幼院,一生照顾那么多孤儿。' 刘行健说,《那双看不见的手》歌诵上帝、耶稣基督好像一双看不见的手在帮助这些孤儿。 * * * 杨子江说,院方送他们自己种的金煌芒果。蔡奇临走邀六龟育幼院合唱团隔年春天到奉化参加浙江少数民族畬族活动,一同唱歌、种下牛樟树苗。探访经国先生的故乡。
(A) 藤枝 is 東藤枝山 (海拔 elevation 1,804m; there is no 西藤枝山), which is now within "藤枝森林游乐区位在高雄市桃源区宝山里,属本处荖浓溪事业区第70、71、72林班,面积770公顷,海拔高度介于1550公尺至1804公尺之间。园区内栽植之针叶树与阔叶树林相互辉映."
(B) The name 藤枝 appeared in Japan's colonial rule, and Japan has 静岡県藤枝市.
(A) "六龜山地育幼院青年兒童合唱團成立於1998年5月。" from the Web.
(B) Their signature song 那雙看不見的手 has the lyrics:
1. 雖不見你,觸不到你,
2. 是你的手,釘痕的手,
(iii) 金煌芒果. In 芒果主題館 within 農業知識入口網. Council of Agriculture (Taiwan) 農業委員會 (equivalent to US Department of Agriculture), Mar 20, 2008
("高雄縣六龜鄉果農黃金煌先生以懷特品種為 母本 ,凱特品種 [Keitt cultivar; first found in 'property of Mrs JN Keitt in Homestead, Florida in 1939': Wikipedia; Taiwan brought it in in 1954] 為 父本 ,雜交育成")
(A) 金煌 in English is JinHwang (or Jinhuang) cultivar.
(B) 懷特品種 is said to be White cultivar, according to a Taiwan source. But I can not find it in English-language websites.
(c) "蔡奇 [who is 福建人] 日记提到,访台探访在台湾60年、左营眷村90岁的二舅。他形容二舅身体硬朗,乡音未改 * * * 蔡奇自备茶具、冲泡浙江大红袍分享旗山蕉农"
("是武夷岩茶 [which in turn is 乌龙茶] 的一种")
is 福建茶, not "浙江" 茶.
(d) "2011年故宫推出 '山水合璧特展—黄公望与富春山居图,' 以浙江博物馆收藏的黄公望 '剩山图' 前段和后段,收藏在台北故宫富春山居图合璧展"
(i) 黄公望(1269-1354)
(ii) 元朝 (1271-1368)
(iii) 富春山居图
(section 1 山居图辗转史)
Please take notice (in this Wiki page)
(A) that National Palace Museum (Taiwan) has both 无用师卷 and 子明卷.
(B) that section 2 无用师卷与剩山图 displays a scroll who caption reads: "台北国立故宫博物院藏《富春山居图》无用师卷."
Yet, the display is, at first glance, PARTIAL (the first, or RIGHT, third of the painting, excluding the writing at the end of the painting. STILL, if you click the triangle (pointing to the left) at the left lower corner of the painting. the scroll is extended to the end (at the left.,
The entire 无用师卷 is ALSO shown in
, which. by clicking TWICE may enlarge much larger.
(C) that section 4 摹本, section 4.2 子明卷 displays a scroll that was copied before the fire that created 无用师卷与剩山图.
剩山图 (said to be 1/14 in length of the original) misses the very first (right) portion.
无用师卷 (said to be 12/14 in length of the original) misses some after 剩山图.