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标题: A Documentary About Amazonian Fishmen Making the Catch [打印本页]

作者: choi    时间: 1-31-2017 18:53
标题: A Documentary About Amazonian Fishmen Making the Catch
本帖最后由 choi 于 2-1-2017 08:57 编辑

Jason Farago, Predator Hugs His Prey (but There's a Catch). New York Times, Jan 26, 2017.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/ ... ists-fish-tale.html

(a) "After Nigeria [2006 census: 140m], the country with the largest population of people of African descent isn't in Africa at all. It's Brazil — where slaves vastly outnumbered Portuguese colonists, and where today just over half the population identifies as black or pardo (that is, of mixed racial origin)."
(i) Portuguese-English dictionary
* pardo (noun masculine; from Latin [noun masculine] pardus [a male panther; [a member of] other mottled or spotted animals]): "mulatto"
(A) The en.wikipedia.org under "Brazil" has population count for 2000, but not 2010, census.

Brazil 2010 Census Shows Changing Race Balance. BBC, Nov 17, 2011
("For the first time, non-white people make up the majority of Brazil's population, according to preliminary results of the 2010 census.  Out of around 191m Brazilians, 91 million [or 50.7%] identified themselves as white, 82m as mixed race [43.1%] and 15m [7.6%] as black.  Whites fell from 53.7% of the population in 2000 to 47.7% last year")

The percentage points in the parentheses are from the next reports.
(B) Tom Phillips, Brazil Census Shows African-Brazilians in the Majority for the First Time. Guardian, Nov 17, 2011
https://www.theguardian.com/worl ... brazilians-majority
("In 1872, when Brazil's first census was conducted, the population was split into just two groups: free people and slaves, who then represented 15% of the population. [reason:] 'People are no longer scared of identifying themselves or insecure about saying: "I'm black, and black is beautiful,'" he [Brazil's minister for racial equality, Elio Ferreira de Araujo] told the Guardian. * * * The 2010 census * * * found that in major cities white inhabitants were earning about 2.4 times more than their black counterparts")
(iii) Google: "Egypt is the most populous country in the Middle East and the third-most populous on the African continent (after Nigeria and Ethiopia)."

Egyptians in US (as foreign students while I was in an American university) told me that they did not consider themselves black or Africans -- absolutely, positively. The last census conducted in Egypt was in 2006 when total population was 72,798,000.

作者: choi    时间: 1-31-2017 18:55
(b) "Brazilians have a flexible and plural variety of racial categories, and matters of identity in the two most populous countries in the Americas don't always run in parallel."

US 2010 census: 308m
Mexico 2010 census: 118m (the third most populous in the Americas)

(c) "Art by and about black Brazilians, as well as indigenous Brazilians, sat at the center of last year's Bienal de São Paulo * * * Among the Bienal's standout works was 'O Peixe' ('The Fish'), a seductive and technically accomplished film by the young artist Jonathas de Andrade, shot in the country’s majority-black northeast and depicting fishermen who use a very uncommon technique to kill their catches. It's now on view in the ground-floor gallery of the New Museum"
(i) The "bienal" is a Portuguese word, whose English counterpart is biennial (adj; n).
(ii) Portuguese-English dictionary:
* peixe (noun masculine; from Latin [noun masculine] piscis fish]
(iii) New Museum

(d) " 'O Peixe' (pronounced PAY-shee) is set near the mouth of the São Francisco River, which divides the northeastern states of Alagoas and Sergipe. During 37 dialogue-free minutes we meet 10 fishermen, all half-naked and all of darker skin tones, who hunt large fish in the brackish water. Once they’ve reeled or speared their prey, the fishermen undertake a distinctive ritual: They cradle the dying fish in their arms, stroking their scales and kissing their gills as they press the fish to their bare chests. In most sequences, Mr de Andrade zooms in on the men's faces and the animals' craws as death approaches; one angler is nearly in tears as the life goes out of a flopping fish, whom he embraces like the dying Jesus in a Pietà."
(i) São Francisco River
(ii) craw (n): "the stomach especially of a lower animal"
(iii) [ietà (n; etymology)

One may want to end the reading here.

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