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发表于 7-15-2009 04:03:32 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz






您对于“Driving is a privilege, not a right”的解释(政府没有“义务”给任何一个人颁发或延长驾照;假如政府不给你颁发驾照,你对此没法有任何“claim”)偏颇了 。这种解释是把学术界特定语境下privilege的含义硬生生用于日常生活;到街上随便拉一个母语是英语的老美、甚至交通部门的官员,问他们交通法规手册上那句话是什么意思,看谁能拧到学术的咬文嚼字上头?







【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
:     liberty rights和claim rights的区分是法学家Wesley Hohfeld在二十世纪初做出的,虽然迄今并未在法学界得到广泛应用,但为其辩护的人也不少,可以说自成一派,在政治学与法学界是绕不开的概念。楼主如果是业余玩票,犯些错误还情有可原,如果是专业人士,整篇文章可以说是有辱师门了。我这篇回复,前面一半澄清一下楼主
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发表于 7-15-2009 04:36:09 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz



至于liberty right与claim right是不是权利的并存属性(类似于物理上的波粒二象性?)而不是分类,俺觉得如果考虑每一项liberty right都受到保护(他人不可阻止),那么两重性是存在的,但是这种保护可以看作是笼统的一项大权利;单独考虑具体的liberty right仍然有意义。。。

【 在 lihlii 的大作中提到: 】
: https://groups.google.com/group/lihlii/msg/15a8f872e2c88b7f
:  dikaios 对 liberty rights, claim rights,左派,右派的概念,我还有不赞同。
: liberty rights 和 claim rights 的分类学,不是将现实社会的 rights 分成两类,而是现实社会的 rights 所具有的两个属性。我粗略想一下,两者是紧密相关,相互
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发表于 7-15-2009 19:37:45 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz





【 在 stuartl 的大作中提到: 】
: 您好!俺觉得您对开车权的理解是精确的,俺把right解释成自由,确实牵强,现在收回:)
: 至于liberty right与claim right是不是权利的并存属性(类似于物理上的波粒二象性?)而不是分类,俺觉得如果考虑每一项liberty right都受到保护(他人不可阻止),那么两重性是存在的,但是这种保护可以看作是笼统的一项大权利;单独考虑具体的liberty right仍然有意义
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发表于 7-15-2009 21:05:02 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


按照这种claim right的定义岂不是几乎所有权利都“由于已有法律(无论是习惯法、成文法、或自然法)中一开始就将它设定为具有对等义务的权利,而这种设定是发生在任何实际的行为之先的”就成为要求权了?各个国家宪法的权利法案条文规定的自由(不管是用“公民有。。。”还是“国家不能。。。”的形式来表达的),都符合您的原话啊。难道Hohfeld的理论所涉及的自由权完全不包括政治自由,比如言论自由?

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 你这是一种很典型的误解。事实上,Hohfeld之所以提出liberty rights vs. claim rights的区分,恰恰是要反对在他之前那种认为“允许”与“不可侵犯”是权利的“两个属性”的观点(即所谓的The Conflation of Permissibility and Inviolability Thesis)。你当然可以反对Hohfeld的观点,认为这种区分不对或者没意义,但只要你
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发表于 7-15-2009 22:15:28 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


嗯,俺总算明白了Hohfeld这套liberty right vs. claim right体系,受教了!:) 就像您说的,这套体系里面的liberty right狭窄到了无用的程度,但可以维持逻辑的自洽并避免二重性。这个概念的确太绕,而且我看过的资料比如Wiki的某些解释很是误导。Wiki的liberty rights and claim rights词条里面“free speech”这个词语出现了两次,先作为liberty right再作为claim right,可以说这样的解释导致包括俺和lihlii这样的初级读者认为liberty right有两重性,也就认为财产支配权是Hohfeld体系内的liberty right了。如果您认为Wiki举的“free speech”的例子确实不妥,能否请您去Wiki改正一下,并且点明liberty right是一个极为狭窄的概念?Wiki的原话列在最下面,俺觉得“liberty right to free speech”的说法是不成立的,因为“free speech”已经被宪法确立为消极的claim right了。另外一个措词上的问题就是用permission这个词语来描述liberty right:permission隐含了通过口头或书面的“约定”来赋予许可的含义,即使不是成文约定也暗合自然法,落入了claim right这个筐,所以俺觉得这个词语和上面的例子一样是极为误导的。您怎么看?


最后,关于liberty right vs. claim right的问题,俺觉得还可以稍微深究一下:能不能这样说,所有的消极claim right都对应着传统意义上的自由(不是liberty right)?消极的claim就是外界不得干涉,那么权利的主体就是自由的。如果这个看法是正确的,那么消极claim right再加上现实中少得可怜的liberty right就构成了一个大类,积极的claim right则是另外一个大类,二者区别在于外界是否有积极义务。根据这个思路,全部的权利仍然可以分为两类:自由(传统含义),和利权(积极的claim确实是直接的利益)。如果这个分类方法在逻辑上正确,是不是与Mill的On Liberty里面的“群己权界”思想相合?基于这个自由与(积极)利权的分类,俺觉得俺原贴里面利权由自由经过契约衍生而来的思路尚且可以保持自洽。。。如果可以得到您老的背书俺就欢天喜地了:)

“For example, to assert a liberty right to free speech is to assert that you have permission to speak freely. But that liberty right does not in itself entail that others are obligated to help you communicate the things you wish to say, or even that they would be wrong in preventing you from speaking freely. To say these things would be to assert a claim right to free speech; to assert that others are obliged to refrain (i.e. prohibited) from preventing you from speaking freely (that is, that it would be wrong for them to do so) or even perhaps obliged to aid your efforts at communication (that is, it would be wrong for them to refuse such aid).”

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 多谢你的质疑。后面关于liberalism与libertarianism孰优孰劣的争论,涉及的内容太多,恐怕要以后单开题目讨论才行,我还是先说一下和概念有关的几个问题吧。
:     首先,财产权是否涉及liberty rights?这点很明确:不涉及。因为在我具有私有产权的那部分物品上,我对其的任何处置都意味着其他个体或团体“不干涉我这种处置”的相应义务。举例说,假设我想把刚买的一本书撕下
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发表于 7-15-2009 22:23:17 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


如果这样看待言论自由,为什么不用同样的标准来看待财产自由,也就是说承认物主对财产的支配权包含了liberty right的成分?俺觉得说什么话和如何使用财产完全是平行对等的,自由社会里有些言论也会入罪(比如蔑视法庭、煽动杀人),有些财产使用的行为也不被许可(如购买毒品),剩下的法律没有禁止的不就是liberty right吗?

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 按照Hohfeld的说法,现存的所有这些法律都是多多少少未能澄清概念的产物,在同一个概念下合并了许多不同的权利(a conjunction of diverse rights)。比如我们通常说的言论自由这个权利,在他的体系下实际上是三种不同的权利的混合:claim rights,liberty rights,以及immunity rights(Hohfeld的体系是由四种权利构成的,
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发表于 7-16-2009 16:55:23 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


lihlii,dikaios,俺今天总算静下心来重新把过去粗略读过的一些关于liberty rights vs. claim rights的资料看了一遍(甚至还到archive.org翻了一下Hohfeld的原著,只是没有时间看完)。其中一个资料里的一个概念,以前忽视了(当初根本就是跳着看,对这个细节好像没瞅几眼,太不应该!),现在感觉非常重要——molecular rights,指的是通常所说的某些权利在Hohfeld体系内具有多元成分(每一元称作atomic right),翻译为“复合权利”似乎比较好。这样的意思楼上几个帖子已经涉及了,这里专门谈一下。请打开下面的网页,看第2.1.6小节:

这个网页专门举了一个“复合权利”的例子,恰恰就是财产权(a property right that you have over your computer)。根据作者的解释,物主对财物的使用权的确是liberty right,但“财产权”是复合权利,除了包括使用权所体现的liberty right成分,还包括财产占有权所体现的claim right成分,也和二级权利(对claim right的修改权和针对修改的豁免权)有关。二级权利通常只是潜在的可能而不被行使,而且这两个二级权利可以归并于广义的liberty right和claim right,所以上面的例子最重要的意思就是财产权作为复合权利的liberty right和claim right二重性。dikaios,俺觉得您或许是出于liberal意识形态才从第一个回帖到现在一直都在否认财产权的liberty right成分,以便把个人物主的财产权和政府对税收的claim right列为平级概念,但实际上个人财产权因为包含了liberty right而高于政府税收权(政府怎么使用税款,可以算作政府的liberty right,但受到社会契约的严格限制)。

依据复合权利的概念来分析具体的每一项权利,应该是最精确的做法,也可以保证逻辑自洽。昨天晚上俺的帖子采用了最狭窄的概念来界定liberty right,即使逻辑自洽也不符合公认用法,所以俺收回昨晚的说法。其实那个说法还有一个缺点就是认为原本的liberty right一旦被契约加以界定就改变了性质、成为消极的claim right,这个突变论是不妥当的。考虑财产使用权,没有契约的时候人照样有财产(就连老鼠都有财产!许多啮齿类动物都有收集行为而且表现出强烈的占有意识,老鼠收集的谷物被夺之后甚至会自杀,所以财产权的liberty right成分真的是极其基本的属性)。有了社会契约,一部分财产需要作为税被收走,这部分使用权就被让渡了,但剩下的财产的使用权仍然是liberty right。

再回到名词上来,俺起初的“利权”定义(作为claim right的中文翻译)现在看来仍然是合适的。lihlii,您在楼上把liberty right和claim right都称作利权,这是很早以前郭罗基老先生提倡的用法,但俺还没看到过别的学者响应郭老。您觉得可否把“利权”局限于claim right?

再谈一下权利和契约(广义,包括民间个人契约和社会契约):人与人之间不存在契约的时候自由最大(包括什么都不做的自由,这一点最为重要);一旦形成契约,就出现了义务,而这义务的来源就是自由的缩减(消极义务削减了积极自由,积极义务削减了消极的无为自由)。己方的利权(claim right)等同于他方的义务,己方的自由(liberty right)对立于己方的义务(这是Hohfeld提出的四对对立物和四对二元性的一部分)。考虑政治权利,社会契约削减了个人自由(比如税法削减了个人的财产使用权),形成了政府的利权,但另外的社会契约(福利)削减了政府的财产使用权,形成了个人的利权。这个过程简单来说就是个人让渡一部分自由给政府,再以个人利权的形式得到回馈。

【 在 lihlii 的大作中提到: 】
:  我看了一遍 dikaios 的解说,认为他还是误解了什么是 liberty right 与 claim right。我坚持我先前的论点。
: 财产权,既有 liberty right 的属性,也有 claim right 的属性。liberty right 必然借助一种不得侵犯的否言表达,在这一理论层次上,把“不得侵犯”“允许 permission”被认为是 duty 义务,这是错误的。
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发表于 7-17-2009 19:41:09 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


俺在archive.org读了Hohfeld的原著,不敢自称完全消化了,只是完全不觉得后文的correlation把liberty right的成分排除在财产权之外。Hohfeld论述的correlatives(原文好像没有用correlation这个词)主要指的是权利范畴内的一些基本概念之间的相依性(如甲方claim right和乙方duty)。下面是一些Hohfeld的原话和俺粗浅的理解,涉及契约,liberty right(privilege),和财产权:

引文一(p.31):“Passing to the field of contracts, we soon discover a similar inveterate tendency to confuse and blur legal discussions by failing to discriminate between the mental and physical facts involved in the so-called "agreement" of the parties, and the legal "contractual obligation" to which those facts give rise. Such ambiguity and confusion are peculiarly incident to the use of the term "contract." One moment the word may mean the agreement of the parties; and then, with a rapid and unexpected shift, the writer or speaker may use the term to indicate the contractual obligation created by law as a result of the agreement.”

引文二(p.32):“in the creation of a contractual obligation between A and B, the affirmative operative facts are, inter alia, that each of the parties is a human being...”

引文三(p.38-39):“if X has a right against Y that he shall stay off the former's land, the correlative (and equivalent) is that Y is under a duty toward X to stay off the place...
“whereas X has a right or claim that Y, the other man, should stay off the hind, he himself has the privilege of entering on the land; or, in equivalent words, X does not have a duty to stay off. The privilege of entering is the negation of a duty to stay off. As indicated by this case, some caution is necessary at this point; for, always, when it is said that a given privilege is the mere negation of a duty, what is meant, of course, is a duty having a content or tenor precisely opposite to that of the privilege in question. Thus, if, for some special reason, X has contracted with Y to go on the former's own land, it is obvious that X has, as regards Y, both the privilege of entering and the duty of entering. The privilege is perfectly consistent with this sort of duty, — for the latter is of the same content or tenor as the privilege; — but it still holds good that, as regards Y. X's privilege of entering is the precise negation of a duty to stay off.
“Passing now to the question of "correlatives." it will be remembered, of course, that a duty is the invariable correlative of that legal relation which is most properly called a right or claim. That being so, if further evidence be needed as to the fundamental and important difference between a right (or claim) and a privilege, surely it is found in the fact that the correlative of the latter relation is a "no-right," there being no single term available to express the latter conception. Thus, the correlative of X's right that Y shall not enter on the land is Y's duty not to enter; but the correlative of X's privilege of entering himself is manifestly Y's "no-right" that X shall not
上面这些引文非常重要,因为涉及了财产权(土地使用权),也涉及了相依性(correlative):一,X对土地的占有权是claim right(Hohfeld称之为right),相依/等同于Y不得进入的义务;二,X进入自家土地这一使用权是liberty right(Hohfeld称之为privilege)但进不进去随他自己、他只是没有不进去的义务;三,如果X和Y之间有一个专门的契约要求X进入自家土地,X就有了进入的义务,但这是相对于Y依据后一个契约(和财产权无关)要求X进入自家土地的claim right而言的;四,X进入自家土地的liberty right(privilege)相依/等同于Y无权禁止X这样做,这是Y的“无要求”(no-right),针对X对土地的财产权而言。

引文四(p.41-42)“"The eating of shrimp salad is an interest of mine, and. if I can pay for it, the law will protect that interest, and it is therefore a right of mine to eat shrimp salad which I have paid for..."
“This passage seems to suggest primarily two classes of relations: first, the party's respective privileges, as against A, B, C, D and others in relation to eating the salad, or, correlatively, the respective "no-rights" of A, B, C, D and others that the party should not eat the salad; second, the party's respective rights (or claims) as against A, B, C, D and others that they should not interfere with the physical act of eating the salad, or, correlatively, the respective duties of A. B, C, D and others that they should not interfere.
“Perhaps the essential character and importance of the distinction can be shown by a slight variation of the facts. Suppose that X, being already the legal owner of the salad, contracts with Y that he (X) will never eat this particular food. With A, B, C, D and others no such contract has been made. One of the relations now existing between X and Y is, as a consequence, fundamentally different from
the relation between X and A. As regards Y, X has no privilege of eating the salad ; but as regards either A or any of the others, X has such a privilege. It is to be observed incidentally that X's right that Y should not eat the food persists even though X's own privilege of doing so has been extinguished.”
花钱买的沙拉是购买者的财产,所伴随的财产权包含两个成分:吃沙拉,作为使用权是liberty right(privilege);不让别人干涉自己吃沙拉,作为占有权是claim right(Hohfeld总算在这里用了claim这个词)。购买者(X)可以和Y达成契约保证自己不吃这盘沙拉,也就是放弃了自己这份财产的使用权,但相对于Y以外的别人,X仍然有使用权,而且对于包括Y在内的所有的外人,X即使不使用财产也仍然有占有权。

引文五(p.60):“X, the owner of a watch, has the power to abandon his property — that is, to extinguish his existing rights, powers, and immunities relating thereto (not, however, his privileges, for until someone else has acquired title to the abandoned watch, X would have the same privileges as before) ; and correlatively to X's power of abandonment there is a liability in every other person. But such a liability instead of being onerous or unwelcome, is quite the opposite. As regards another person, M, for example, it is a liability to have created in his favor (though against his will) a privilege and a power relating to the watch, — that is, the privilege of taking possession and the power, by doing so, to vest a title in himself.”
Hohfeld花费了极长的篇幅详细论述了和财产权有关的二级权利,但咱们在这个问题上没有分歧,所以就不多说了;上面这段引文有意思的地方就是在二级权利的上下文之内涉及了财产权的liberty right成分(X使用手表的privilege)。还谈到M获得手表的privilege,但这是获得财产的权利,不属于通常意义上的财产权,而属于经济自由,或者“追求幸福”的自由。M获得这块手表的liberty right(privilege)原本不存在,被X的power修订之后才产生。从权利之起源的角度来考虑,假如没有社会契约,M原本有更大的liberty right——抢夺或偷窃原属于X的手表——但社会契约之下这些伦理上的“假自由”(逻辑上仍然是真自由)必须被让渡,所以正常情况下M对这块手表没有liberty right,除非依赖X的power。

引文六(p.76-77)“Suppose that A is the owner of Blackacre and X is the Owner of Whiteacre... as regards Blackacre, A has besides his rights, or claims, against B. C. D. E, and others, various legal privileges of controlling and using the land, and that these exist "to, over, or against" the land.”
Hohfeld著作的第二部分论述了相对于少数个体的权利(right in personam,或paucital right,比如两个人之间的契约所决定的权利)和相对于庞大群体的权利(right in rem,或multital right,比如财产占有权,任何他人不得侵犯),在这个上下文中仍然涉及物主控制和使用财产的liberty right(privilege)。

引文七(p.92-94):“"Though legal ownership is conceived fundamentally as a right good against all the world, actual instances of such ownership are often much more narrowly limited..." instead of there being a single right with a single correlative duty resting on all the persons against whom the right avails, there are many separate and distinct rights, actual and potential, each one of which has a correlative duty resting upon some one person. Repeating a hypothetical case put above, let us suppose that A is the owner of Blackacre... B, C, D, and others indefinitely... respectively considered, shall not enter on Blackacre. It is not a case of one joint duty of the same content resting on all... Consistently with this view, A might, e.g., extinguish B's duty or, in other words, grant B the privilege of entering by giving "leave and license" to do so. In such event, of course, the respective duties of C, D, E, and all others would continue to exist, precisely as before.”
上面这段话的目的是进一步解析“相对于庞大群体的权利”(right in rem,或multital right)的精微含义,但也涉及财产权的例子:A给予B进入A的土地的liberty right(privilege)。这里的“grant”就是二级权利power,修改了原先的一级权利(假如没有任何契约也就没有财产占有权,B随便去哪里都可以,包括Blackacre;在社会契约和产权契约之下B失去了进入A的土地Blackacre的自由;现在A又运用自己作为物主的power把这个自由重新赋予B)。

引文八(p.96-97)“A multital right, or claim (right in rem), should not be confused with any co-existing privileges or other jural relations that the holder of the multital right or rights may have in respect to the same subject-matter... A has an indefinite number of legal privileges of entering on the land, using
the land, harming the land, etc., that is, within limits fixed by law on grounds of social and economic policy, he has privileges of doing on or to the land what he pleases ; and correlative to all such legal privileges are the respective legal no-rights of other persons... In short, A has vested in himself, as regards Blackacre, multital, or in rem, "right — duty" relations, multital, or in rem, "privilege — no-right" relations, multital, or in rem, "power — liability" relations, and multital, or in rem, "immunity — disability" relations... A's privileges, e.g., are strikingly independent of his rights or claims against any given person, and either might exist without the other.”
基本上是在重复早先的东西,但明确列出了财产权的两个一级权利(包括privilege)和两个二级权利。全书总共114页,俺看到最后也没有找出哪一处否定了财产权具有liberty right成分;相反,Hohfeld逻辑性极强,全书前后自洽。

关于当代学者的论点,俺是业余票友,难以查阅社科文献,所以只好借助网络和图书馆。Peter Jones能否算作有影响力的学者?他1994年出版的Rights一书详细讨论了Hohfeld体系(开篇第一章就是这个话题,俺只看了这一章),俺在网上读过的一些资料也引用或转述了Jones的观点。下面是Jones在Rights书中的原话,和Hohfeld原著以及俺昨天提供的斯坦佛大学网站上的说法是完全一致的:“if I have a property right in a car, that right is likely to consist of a complicated cluster of Hohfeldian rights. Typically these would include the claim-right that others should refrain from damaging my car or using it without my permission, my liberty-right as owner of the car to use the car, the power to sell the car or to permit others to use it, and my immunity from any power of others to dispose of the car without my consent. In other words, a single assertion of right might, on inspection, turn out to be a cluster of different types of right.” 当然,您可以说Jones没有真正理解Hohfeld。俺没有找到专门论证财产权不具有liberty right成分的文章,可以说俺在网上看过的所有的涉及财产权的资料都或者像Jones一样明确说明财物使用权是liberty right,或者没有涉及这个细节。

总而言之,财产权作为复合权利具有liberty right的成分,是Hohfeld的原始观点;您说后来有人把财产权的使用权成分也当作claim right,这种新理论推翻了Hohfeld体系的重要论点,而不是顺延发挥、在Hohfeld理论框架内阐述Hohfeld没有涉足的领域。Hohfeld英年早逝,咱们无法猜测他是否会接受这种新理论,但俺认为Hohfeld理论是正确的,那种新理论不是“修正”而是歪曲。谁能提供否定财产权具有liberty right成分的学术论文?俺很想看看这种新理论是怎样推导出来的。

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 法学界误以为property rights包括liberty rights也不乏其人,这不希奇,因为Hohfeld的原文是先讨论各个概念的opposition(我有做某件事的liberty right /privilege /permission,意味着我没有不做这件事的duty),过了几节后才讨论各个概念的correlation(我有做某件事的liberty right /privilege /permission,意味着别人
: 关于property rights在Hohfeld的框架下究竟应当如何理
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 7-17-2009 19:41:09 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


俺在archive.org读了Hohfeld的原著,不敢自称完全消化了,只是完全不觉得后文的correlation把liberty right的成分排除在财产权之外。Hohfeld论述的correlatives(原文好像没有用correlation这个词)主要指的是权利范畴内的一些基本概念之间的相依性(如甲方claim right和乙方duty)。下面是一些Hohfeld的原话和俺粗浅的理解,涉及契约,liberty right(privilege),和财产权:

引文一(p.31):“Passing to the field of contracts, we soon discover a similar inveterate tendency to confuse and blur legal discussions by failing to discriminate between the mental and physical facts involved in the so-called "agreement" of the parties, and the legal "contractual obligation" to which those facts give rise. Such ambiguity and confusion are peculiarly incident to the use of the term "contract." One moment the word may mean the agreement of the parties; and then, with a rapid and unexpected shift, the writer or speaker may use the term to indicate the contractual obligation created by law as a result of the agreement.”

引文二(p.32):“in the creation of a contractual obligation between A and B, the affirmative operative facts are, inter alia, that each of the parties is a human being...”

引文三(p.38-39):“if X has a right against Y that he shall stay off the former's land, the correlative (and equivalent) is that Y is under a duty toward X to stay off the place...
“whereas X has a right or claim that Y, the other man, should stay off the hind, he himself has the privilege of entering on the land; or, in equivalent words, X does not have a duty to stay off. The privilege of entering is the negation of a duty to stay off. As indicated by this case, some caution is necessary at this point; for, always, when it is said that a given privilege is the mere negation of a duty, what is meant, of course, is a duty having a content or tenor precisely opposite to that of the privilege in question. Thus, if, for some special reason, X has contracted with Y to go on the former's own land, it is obvious that X has, as regards Y, both the privilege of entering and the duty of entering. The privilege is perfectly consistent with this sort of duty, — for the latter is of the same content or tenor as the privilege; — but it still holds good that, as regards Y. X's privilege of entering is the precise negation of a duty to stay off.
“Passing now to the question of "correlatives." it will be remembered, of course, that a duty is the invariable correlative of that legal relation which is most properly called a right or claim. That being so, if further evidence be needed as to the fundamental and important difference between a right (or claim) and a privilege, surely it is found in the fact that the correlative of the latter relation is a "no-right," there being no single term available to express the latter conception. Thus, the correlative of X's right that Y shall not enter on the land is Y's duty not to enter; but the correlative of X's privilege of entering himself is manifestly Y's "no-right" that X shall not
上面这些引文非常重要,因为涉及了财产权(土地使用权),也涉及了相依性(correlative):一,X对土地的占有权是claim right(Hohfeld称之为right),相依/等同于Y不得进入的义务;二,X进入自家土地这一使用权是liberty right(Hohfeld称之为privilege)但进不进去随他自己、他只是没有不进去的义务;三,如果X和Y之间有一个专门的契约要求X进入自家土地,X就有了进入的义务,但这是相对于Y依据后一个契约(和财产权无关)要求X进入自家土地的claim right而言的;四,X进入自家土地的liberty right(privilege)相依/等同于Y无权禁止X这样做,这是Y的“无要求”(no-right),针对X对土地的财产权而言。

引文四(p.41-42)“"The eating of shrimp salad is an interest of mine, and. if I can pay for it, the law will protect that interest, and it is therefore a right of mine to eat shrimp salad which I have paid for..."
“This passage seems to suggest primarily two classes of relations: first, the party's respective privileges, as against A, B, C, D and others in relation to eating the salad, or, correlatively, the respective "no-rights" of A, B, C, D and others that the party should not eat the salad; second, the party's respective rights (or claims) as against A, B, C, D and others that they should not interfere with the physical act of eating the salad, or, correlatively, the respective duties of A. B, C, D and others that they should not interfere.
“Perhaps the essential character and importance of the distinction can be shown by a slight variation of the facts. Suppose that X, being already the legal owner of the salad, contracts with Y that he (X) will never eat this particular food. With A, B, C, D and others no such contract has been made. One of the relations now existing between X and Y is, as a consequence, fundamentally different from
the relation between X and A. As regards Y, X has no privilege of eating the salad ; but as regards either A or any of the others, X has such a privilege. It is to be observed incidentally that X's right that Y should not eat the food persists even though X's own privilege of doing so has been extinguished.”
花钱买的沙拉是购买者的财产,所伴随的财产权包含两个成分:吃沙拉,作为使用权是liberty right(privilege);不让别人干涉自己吃沙拉,作为占有权是claim right(Hohfeld总算在这里用了claim这个词)。购买者(X)可以和Y达成契约保证自己不吃这盘沙拉,也就是放弃了自己这份财产的使用权,但相对于Y以外的别人,X仍然有使用权,而且对于包括Y在内的所有的外人,X即使不使用财产也仍然有占有权。

引文五(p.60):“X, the owner of a watch, has the power to abandon his property — that is, to extinguish his existing rights, powers, and immunities relating thereto (not, however, his privileges, for until someone else has acquired title to the abandoned watch, X would have the same privileges as before) ; and correlatively to X's power of abandonment there is a liability in every other person. But such a liability instead of being onerous or unwelcome, is quite the opposite. As regards another person, M, for example, it is a liability to have created in his favor (though against his will) a privilege and a power relating to the watch, — that is, the privilege of taking possession and the power, by doing so, to vest a title in himself.”
Hohfeld花费了极长的篇幅详细论述了和财产权有关的二级权利,但咱们在这个问题上没有分歧,所以就不多说了;上面这段引文有意思的地方就是在二级权利的上下文之内涉及了财产权的liberty right成分(X使用手表的privilege)。还谈到M获得手表的privilege,但这是获得财产的权利,不属于通常意义上的财产权,而属于经济自由,或者“追求幸福”的自由。M获得这块手表的liberty right(privilege)原本不存在,被X的power修订之后才产生。从权利之起源的角度来考虑,假如没有社会契约,M原本有更大的liberty right——抢夺或偷窃原属于X的手表——但社会契约之下这些伦理上的“假自由”(逻辑上仍然是真自由)必须被让渡,所以正常情况下M对这块手表没有liberty right,除非依赖X的power。

引文六(p.76-77)“Suppose that A is the owner of Blackacre and X is the Owner of Whiteacre... as regards Blackacre, A has besides his rights, or claims, against B. C. D. E, and others, various legal privileges of controlling and using the land, and that these exist "to, over, or against" the land.”
Hohfeld著作的第二部分论述了相对于少数个体的权利(right in personam,或paucital right,比如两个人之间的契约所决定的权利)和相对于庞大群体的权利(right in rem,或multital right,比如财产占有权,任何他人不得侵犯),在这个上下文中仍然涉及物主控制和使用财产的liberty right(privilege)。

引文七(p.92-94):“"Though legal ownership is conceived fundamentally as a right good against all the world, actual instances of such ownership are often much more narrowly limited..." instead of there being a single right with a single correlative duty resting on all the persons against whom the right avails, there are many separate and distinct rights, actual and potential, each one of which has a correlative duty resting upon some one person. Repeating a hypothetical case put above, let us suppose that A is the owner of Blackacre... B, C, D, and others indefinitely... respectively considered, shall not enter on Blackacre. It is not a case of one joint duty of the same content resting on all... Consistently with this view, A might, e.g., extinguish B's duty or, in other words, grant B the privilege of entering by giving "leave and license" to do so. In such event, of course, the respective duties of C, D, E, and all others would continue to exist, precisely as before.”
上面这段话的目的是进一步解析“相对于庞大群体的权利”(right in rem,或multital right)的精微含义,但也涉及财产权的例子:A给予B进入A的土地的liberty right(privilege)。这里的“grant”就是二级权利power,修改了原先的一级权利(假如没有任何契约也就没有财产占有权,B随便去哪里都可以,包括Blackacre;在社会契约和产权契约之下B失去了进入A的土地Blackacre的自由;现在A又运用自己作为物主的power把这个自由重新赋予B)。

引文八(p.96-97)“A multital right, or claim (right in rem), should not be confused with any co-existing privileges or other jural relations that the holder of the multital right or rights may have in respect to the same subject-matter... A has an indefinite number of legal privileges of entering on the land, using
the land, harming the land, etc., that is, within limits fixed by law on grounds of social and economic policy, he has privileges of doing on or to the land what he pleases ; and correlative to all such legal privileges are the respective legal no-rights of other persons... In short, A has vested in himself, as regards Blackacre, multital, or in rem, "right — duty" relations, multital, or in rem, "privilege — no-right" relations, multital, or in rem, "power — liability" relations, and multital, or in rem, "immunity — disability" relations... A's privileges, e.g., are strikingly independent of his rights or claims against any given person, and either might exist without the other.”
基本上是在重复早先的东西,但明确列出了财产权的两个一级权利(包括privilege)和两个二级权利。全书总共114页,俺看到最后也没有找出哪一处否定了财产权具有liberty right成分;相反,Hohfeld逻辑性极强,全书前后自洽。

关于当代学者的论点,俺是业余票友,难以查阅社科文献,所以只好借助网络和图书馆。Peter Jones能否算作有影响力的学者?他1994年出版的Rights一书详细讨论了Hohfeld体系(开篇第一章就是这个话题,俺只看了这一章),俺在网上读过的一些资料也引用或转述了Jones的观点。下面是Jones在Rights书中的原话,和Hohfeld原著以及俺昨天提供的斯坦佛大学网站上的说法是完全一致的:“if I have a property right in a car, that right is likely to consist of a complicated cluster of Hohfeldian rights. Typically these would include the claim-right that others should refrain from damaging my car or using it without my permission, my liberty-right as owner of the car to use the car, the power to sell the car or to permit others to use it, and my immunity from any power of others to dispose of the car without my consent. In other words, a single assertion of right might, on inspection, turn out to be a cluster of different types of right.” 当然,您可以说Jones没有真正理解Hohfeld。俺没有找到专门论证财产权不具有liberty right成分的文章,可以说俺在网上看过的所有的涉及财产权的资料都或者像Jones一样明确说明财物使用权是liberty right,或者没有涉及这个细节。

总而言之,财产权作为复合权利具有liberty right的成分,是Hohfeld的原始观点;您说后来有人把财产权的使用权成分也当作claim right,这种新理论推翻了Hohfeld体系的重要论点,而不是顺延发挥、在Hohfeld理论框架内阐述Hohfeld没有涉足的领域。Hohfeld英年早逝,咱们无法猜测他是否会接受这种新理论,但俺认为Hohfeld理论是正确的,那种新理论不是“修正”而是歪曲。谁能提供否定财产权具有liberty right成分的学术论文?俺很想看看这种新理论是怎样推导出来的。

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 法学界误以为property rights包括liberty rights也不乏其人,这不希奇,因为Hohfeld的原文是先讨论各个概念的opposition(我有做某件事的liberty right /privilege /permission,意味着我没有不做这件事的duty),过了几节后才讨论各个概念的correlation(我有做某件事的liberty right /privilege /permission,意味着别人
: 关于property rights在Hohfeld的框架下究竟应当如何理
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 7-17-2009 19:41:09 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


俺在archive.org读了Hohfeld的原著,不敢自称完全消化了,只是完全不觉得后文的correlation把liberty right的成分排除在财产权之外。Hohfeld论述的correlatives(原文好像没有用correlation这个词)主要指的是权利范畴内的一些基本概念之间的相依性(如甲方claim right和乙方duty)。下面是一些Hohfeld的原话和俺粗浅的理解,涉及契约,liberty right(privilege),和财产权:

引文一(p.31):“Passing to the field of contracts, we soon discover a similar inveterate tendency to confuse and blur legal discussions by failing to discriminate between the mental and physical facts involved in the so-called "agreement" of the parties, and the legal "contractual obligation" to which those facts give rise. Such ambiguity and confusion are peculiarly incident to the use of the term "contract." One moment the word may mean the agreement of the parties; and then, with a rapid and unexpected shift, the writer or speaker may use the term to indicate the contractual obligation created by law as a result of the agreement.”

引文二(p.32):“in the creation of a contractual obligation between A and B, the affirmative operative facts are, inter alia, that each of the parties is a human being...”

引文三(p.38-39):“if X has a right against Y that he shall stay off the former's land, the correlative (and equivalent) is that Y is under a duty toward X to stay off the place...
“whereas X has a right or claim that Y, the other man, should stay off the hind, he himself has the privilege of entering on the land; or, in equivalent words, X does not have a duty to stay off. The privilege of entering is the negation of a duty to stay off. As indicated by this case, some caution is necessary at this point; for, always, when it is said that a given privilege is the mere negation of a duty, what is meant, of course, is a duty having a content or tenor precisely opposite to that of the privilege in question. Thus, if, for some special reason, X has contracted with Y to go on the former's own land, it is obvious that X has, as regards Y, both the privilege of entering and the duty of entering. The privilege is perfectly consistent with this sort of duty, — for the latter is of the same content or tenor as the privilege; — but it still holds good that, as regards Y. X's privilege of entering is the precise negation of a duty to stay off.
“Passing now to the question of "correlatives." it will be remembered, of course, that a duty is the invariable correlative of that legal relation which is most properly called a right or claim. That being so, if further evidence be needed as to the fundamental and important difference between a right (or claim) and a privilege, surely it is found in the fact that the correlative of the latter relation is a "no-right," there being no single term available to express the latter conception. Thus, the correlative of X's right that Y shall not enter on the land is Y's duty not to enter; but the correlative of X's privilege of entering himself is manifestly Y's "no-right" that X shall not
上面这些引文非常重要,因为涉及了财产权(土地使用权),也涉及了相依性(correlative):一,X对土地的占有权是claim right(Hohfeld称之为right),相依/等同于Y不得进入的义务;二,X进入自家土地这一使用权是liberty right(Hohfeld称之为privilege)但进不进去随他自己、他只是没有不进去的义务;三,如果X和Y之间有一个专门的契约要求X进入自家土地,X就有了进入的义务,但这是相对于Y依据后一个契约(和财产权无关)要求X进入自家土地的claim right而言的;四,X进入自家土地的liberty right(privilege)相依/等同于Y无权禁止X这样做,这是Y的“无要求”(no-right),针对X对土地的财产权而言。

引文四(p.41-42)“"The eating of shrimp salad is an interest of mine, and. if I can pay for it, the law will protect that interest, and it is therefore a right of mine to eat shrimp salad which I have paid for..."
“This passage seems to suggest primarily two classes of relations: first, the party's respective privileges, as against A, B, C, D and others in relation to eating the salad, or, correlatively, the respective "no-rights" of A, B, C, D and others that the party should not eat the salad; second, the party's respective rights (or claims) as against A, B, C, D and others that they should not interfere with the physical act of eating the salad, or, correlatively, the respective duties of A. B, C, D and others that they should not interfere.
“Perhaps the essential character and importance of the distinction can be shown by a slight variation of the facts. Suppose that X, being already the legal owner of the salad, contracts with Y that he (X) will never eat this particular food. With A, B, C, D and others no such contract has been made. One of the relations now existing between X and Y is, as a consequence, fundamentally different from
the relation between X and A. As regards Y, X has no privilege of eating the salad ; but as regards either A or any of the others, X has such a privilege. It is to be observed incidentally that X's right that Y should not eat the food persists even though X's own privilege of doing so has been extinguished.”
花钱买的沙拉是购买者的财产,所伴随的财产权包含两个成分:吃沙拉,作为使用权是liberty right(privilege);不让别人干涉自己吃沙拉,作为占有权是claim right(Hohfeld总算在这里用了claim这个词)。购买者(X)可以和Y达成契约保证自己不吃这盘沙拉,也就是放弃了自己这份财产的使用权,但相对于Y以外的别人,X仍然有使用权,而且对于包括Y在内的所有的外人,X即使不使用财产也仍然有占有权。

引文五(p.60):“X, the owner of a watch, has the power to abandon his property — that is, to extinguish his existing rights, powers, and immunities relating thereto (not, however, his privileges, for until someone else has acquired title to the abandoned watch, X would have the same privileges as before) ; and correlatively to X's power of abandonment there is a liability in every other person. But such a liability instead of being onerous or unwelcome, is quite the opposite. As regards another person, M, for example, it is a liability to have created in his favor (though against his will) a privilege and a power relating to the watch, — that is, the privilege of taking possession and the power, by doing so, to vest a title in himself.”
Hohfeld花费了极长的篇幅详细论述了和财产权有关的二级权利,但咱们在这个问题上没有分歧,所以就不多说了;上面这段引文有意思的地方就是在二级权利的上下文之内涉及了财产权的liberty right成分(X使用手表的privilege)。还谈到M获得手表的privilege,但这是获得财产的权利,不属于通常意义上的财产权,而属于经济自由,或者“追求幸福”的自由。M获得这块手表的liberty right(privilege)原本不存在,被X的power修订之后才产生。从权利之起源的角度来考虑,假如没有社会契约,M原本有更大的liberty right——抢夺或偷窃原属于X的手表——但社会契约之下这些伦理上的“假自由”(逻辑上仍然是真自由)必须被让渡,所以正常情况下M对这块手表没有liberty right,除非依赖X的power。

引文六(p.76-77)“Suppose that A is the owner of Blackacre and X is the Owner of Whiteacre... as regards Blackacre, A has besides his rights, or claims, against B. C. D. E, and others, various legal privileges of controlling and using the land, and that these exist "to, over, or against" the land.”
Hohfeld著作的第二部分论述了相对于少数个体的权利(right in personam,或paucital right,比如两个人之间的契约所决定的权利)和相对于庞大群体的权利(right in rem,或multital right,比如财产占有权,任何他人不得侵犯),在这个上下文中仍然涉及物主控制和使用财产的liberty right(privilege)。

引文七(p.92-94):“"Though legal ownership is conceived fundamentally as a right good against all the world, actual instances of such ownership are often much more narrowly limited..." instead of there being a single right with a single correlative duty resting on all the persons against whom the right avails, there are many separate and distinct rights, actual and potential, each one of which has a correlative duty resting upon some one person. Repeating a hypothetical case put above, let us suppose that A is the owner of Blackacre... B, C, D, and others indefinitely... respectively considered, shall not enter on Blackacre. It is not a case of one joint duty of the same content resting on all... Consistently with this view, A might, e.g., extinguish B's duty or, in other words, grant B the privilege of entering by giving "leave and license" to do so. In such event, of course, the respective duties of C, D, E, and all others would continue to exist, precisely as before.”
上面这段话的目的是进一步解析“相对于庞大群体的权利”(right in rem,或multital right)的精微含义,但也涉及财产权的例子:A给予B进入A的土地的liberty right(privilege)。这里的“grant”就是二级权利power,修改了原先的一级权利(假如没有任何契约也就没有财产占有权,B随便去哪里都可以,包括Blackacre;在社会契约和产权契约之下B失去了进入A的土地Blackacre的自由;现在A又运用自己作为物主的power把这个自由重新赋予B)。

引文八(p.96-97)“A multital right, or claim (right in rem), should not be confused with any co-existing privileges or other jural relations that the holder of the multital right or rights may have in respect to the same subject-matter... A has an indefinite number of legal privileges of entering on the land, using
the land, harming the land, etc., that is, within limits fixed by law on grounds of social and economic policy, he has privileges of doing on or to the land what he pleases ; and correlative to all such legal privileges are the respective legal no-rights of other persons... In short, A has vested in himself, as regards Blackacre, multital, or in rem, "right — duty" relations, multital, or in rem, "privilege — no-right" relations, multital, or in rem, "power — liability" relations, and multital, or in rem, "immunity — disability" relations... A's privileges, e.g., are strikingly independent of his rights or claims against any given person, and either might exist without the other.”
基本上是在重复早先的东西,但明确列出了财产权的两个一级权利(包括privilege)和两个二级权利。全书总共114页,俺看到最后也没有找出哪一处否定了财产权具有liberty right成分;相反,Hohfeld逻辑性极强,全书前后自洽。

关于当代学者的论点,俺是业余票友,难以查阅社科文献,所以只好借助网络和图书馆。Peter Jones能否算作有影响力的学者?他1994年出版的Rights一书详细讨论了Hohfeld体系(开篇第一章就是这个话题,俺只看了这一章),俺在网上读过的一些资料也引用或转述了Jones的观点。下面是Jones在Rights书中的原话,和Hohfeld原著以及俺昨天提供的斯坦佛大学网站上的说法是完全一致的:“if I have a property right in a car, that right is likely to consist of a complicated cluster of Hohfeldian rights. Typically these would include the claim-right that others should refrain from damaging my car or using it without my permission, my liberty-right as owner of the car to use the car, the power to sell the car or to permit others to use it, and my immunity from any power of others to dispose of the car without my consent. In other words, a single assertion of right might, on inspection, turn out to be a cluster of different types of right.” 当然,您可以说Jones没有真正理解Hohfeld。俺没有找到专门论证财产权不具有liberty right成分的文章,可以说俺在网上看过的所有的涉及财产权的资料都或者像Jones一样明确说明财物使用权是liberty right,或者没有涉及这个细节。

总而言之,财产权作为复合权利具有liberty right的成分,是Hohfeld的原始观点;您说后来有人把财产权的使用权成分也当作claim right,这种新理论推翻了Hohfeld体系的重要论点,而不是顺延发挥、在Hohfeld理论框架内阐述Hohfeld没有涉足的领域。Hohfeld英年早逝,咱们无法猜测他是否会接受这种新理论,但俺认为Hohfeld理论是正确的,那种新理论不是“修正”而是歪曲。谁能提供否定财产权具有liberty right成分的学术论文?俺很想看看这种新理论是怎样推导出来的。

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 法学界误以为property rights包括liberty rights也不乏其人,这不希奇,因为Hohfeld的原文是先讨论各个概念的opposition(我有做某件事的liberty right /privilege /permission,意味着我没有不做这件事的duty),过了几节后才讨论各个概念的correlation(我有做某件事的liberty right /privilege /permission,意味着别人
: 关于property rights在Hohfeld的框架下究竟应当如何理
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 7-18-2009 10:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

Re: liberty right 和 claim right



关于Hohfeld理论的right概念,您可能还没有看原著,所以俺来大致说一下:Hohfeld并没有把claim right和claim right统称为right,而是给right下了一个很狭窄的定义。他是法学教授,对于美国司法界滥用right这些基本概念的现象很看不惯,为了澄清概念,创立了一个新的体系,把平时人们说的right解析为四个类别:privilege、right、power、immunity。
一,privilege是最基本的自由,也就是您所说的meta right,但privilege这个用词有些别扭,平时主要用来指特权,所以人们虽然接受Hohfeld的分类标准但基本上没有接受privilege这个用词。
二,right作为四个类别之中的一个,是狭义的概念,指的就是claim。这个狭义的right对应于他人的义务,Hohfeld认为这是right的最精确的定义,但人们同样无法改变语言习惯,现在引述Hohfeld原始理论的时候有时把这个right称作“right proper”以明确表达概念。
三,power的精确概念是修改privilege和right proper的权利,或者大的power修改更小的power和immunity。比如财产权里面物主对财产的转置权,财产的范围是claim right界定的,但财产claim的增减是通过power来做的。在逻辑上,power和privilege很相似,都和他人义务无关,只不过不是最原本的自由而是第二级权利。现在人们通常把privilege和power归并在一起称为liberty right。
四,immunity是避免受制于power的豁免权,是相应于right proper的第二级,现在人们通常把right proper和immunity归并在一起称为claim right。

从上面这些小小的历史回顾可以看出,即使Hohfeld这样的天才人物、提出了如此优秀的理论体系,也无法扭转词汇的用法,不但日常用法照旧,就连美国法学界都没有遵循Hohfeld的提议,而是不得不另造新词(right proper、liberty right、claim right)以精确表达、避免歧义。


在这样的前提下,保持“权利”作为总称,用“利权”来翻译claim right(包括right proper和immunity)还是比较合适的。至于liberty right,翻译成“自由”的确会导致一些歧义,因为人们平时说自由的时候经常把与之伴随的“他人不得侵犯”这一claim right考虑进“自由”里面去。但在具体的上下文中还是可以用“自由”或“自由权”来表述liberty right的概念。

“利权”作为claim right的中文词汇,还有一个好处就是让拿福利的人一听就明白他们的福利并非最基本的自由而是对立于基本自由的“利权”。


【 在 lihlii 的大作中提到: 】
: 寄信人: stuartl
: 发信站: 一路BBS (Sat Jul 18 00:21:59 2009)
: 立里兄,您好!俺读了Hohfeld的原著,在坛子里贴了许多引文,可以很肯定的说,财产权的使用权成分就是liberty right。Hohfeld体系内的privilege和power现在一般被归并广义的liberty right,剩下的两项合称广义的claim right。俺还是想把广义的liberty right翻译为自由,
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 7-18-2009 10:43:00 | 显示全部楼层

Re: liberty right 和 claim right



关于Hohfeld理论的right概念,您可能还没有看原著,所以俺来大致说一下:Hohfeld并没有把claim right和claim right统称为right,而是给right下了一个很狭窄的定义。他是法学教授,对于美国司法界滥用right这些基本概念的现象很看不惯,为了澄清概念,创立了一个新的体系,把平时人们说的right解析为四个类别:privilege、right、power、immunity。
一,privilege是最基本的自由,也就是您所说的meta right,但privilege这个用词有些别扭,平时主要用来指特权,所以人们虽然接受Hohfeld的分类标准但基本上没有接受privilege这个用词。
二,right作为四个类别之中的一个,是狭义的概念,指的就是claim。这个狭义的right对应于他人的义务,Hohfeld认为这是right的最精确的定义,但人们同样无法改变语言习惯,现在引述Hohfeld原始理论的时候有时把这个right称作“right proper”以明确表达概念。
三,power的精确概念是修改privilege和right proper的权利,或者大的power修改更小的power和immunity。比如财产权里面物主对财产的转置权,财产的范围是claim right界定的,但财产claim的增减是通过power来做的。在逻辑上,power和privilege很相似,都和他人义务无关,只不过不是最原本的自由而是第二级权利。现在人们通常把privilege和power归并在一起称为liberty right。
四,immunity是避免受制于power的豁免权,是相应于right proper的第二级,现在人们通常把right proper和immunity归并在一起称为claim right。

从上面这些小小的历史回顾可以看出,即使Hohfeld这样的天才人物、提出了如此优秀的理论体系,也无法扭转词汇的用法,不但日常用法照旧,就连美国法学界都没有遵循Hohfeld的提议,而是不得不另造新词(right proper、liberty right、claim right)以精确表达、避免歧义。


在这样的前提下,保持“权利”作为总称,用“利权”来翻译claim right(包括right proper和immunity)还是比较合适的。至于liberty right,翻译成“自由”的确会导致一些歧义,因为人们平时说自由的时候经常把与之伴随的“他人不得侵犯”这一claim right考虑进“自由”里面去。但在具体的上下文中还是可以用“自由”或“自由权”来表述liberty right的概念。

“利权”作为claim right的中文词汇,还有一个好处就是让拿福利的人一听就明白他们的福利并非最基本的自由而是对立于基本自由的“利权”。


【 在 lihlii 的大作中提到: 】
: 寄信人: stuartl
: 发信站: 一路BBS (Sat Jul 18 00:21:59 2009)
: 立里兄,您好!俺读了Hohfeld的原著,在坛子里贴了许多引文,可以很肯定的说,财产权的使用权成分就是liberty right。Hohfeld体系内的privilege和power现在一般被归并广义的liberty right,剩下的两项合称广义的claim right。俺还是想把广义的liberty right翻译为自由,
: (以下引言省略...)

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发表于 7-19-2009 01:19:14 | 显示全部楼层

Re: liberty right 和 claim right


Hohfeld对于权利的解析是在法律的框架内进行的,严谨的学者如Peter Jones(1994年出版学术著作Rights,讨论了Hohfeld体系)也指出Hohfeld体系在法律规则(包括受法律保护的个人契约)之外的适用性有待讨论,但俺粗浅考虑的结果是Hohfeld体系在逻辑上讲可以适用于所有的权利,甚至包括丛林法则和强盗山寨内的广义“权利”,因为从逻辑操作的角度上讲,丛林法则、强盗山寨、专制政权、民主政权的规则体系都存在或多或少的强制性,或多或少的违背某些成员的意愿;道义的区别不等于逻辑的区别。


人与人之间通过契约来调节社会关系是绝对必要的,野蛮侵犯他人的自由必须被让渡,所以国内学者邓新华提出“权利就是自愿”,要求任何一项权利所涉及的各方都出乎自愿,不能违背任何一方的意愿加以侵犯。这个论点与您的“自由契约”、“元利权”相合。满足自愿这一条件的契约所规范的liberty right和与之伴随的claim right就是在合乎伦理的前提下最基本的权利,这是自由主义的理想状态。只要涉及契约就存在义务,有义务就有claim right(在这一层面主要落实于外界不得侵犯这样的消极义务;甲方claim right来自乙方义务,这是Hohfeld体系的一对correlative)。您认为“他人不得侵犯”不是 claim right而是liberty right的特征,如果脱离Hohfeld体系是可以这样说的,但liberty right和claim right这两个英文术语来自Hohfeld体系,所以最好不要脱离Hohfeld体系给这两个术语下新的定义,而是应该用别的词或另创新词。其实通常意义上、尤其是政治意义上的自由/liberty就包含了Hohfeld的liberty right和在契约之下与之共生的“他人不得侵犯”这一消极claim right,所以自由/liberty就很合适了。考虑到这一点,俺不再坚持用“自由”来翻译liberty right;为了精确,或许可以称之为“自由(狭义)”。

关于power,作为第二级liberty right,其实就相当于修改权利义务范围的自由,在正常的制度之内是受严格限制的,但在极端情况下(如您举的黑帮绑架人质的例子)就完全不合乎道义,和一级自由里面的烧杀淫掠一样。只要有契约就连带产生power和immunity这对二级权利,现在学术界也把power和immunity归并于liberty right和claim right,所以不必过多考虑。但是如果仔细分析许多权利的细节,比如买卖、转让、放弃,都属于power。财产权所包含的处置权就是个人有权修改自己财产的占有权(claim right)的范围,是power,但人们通常把财产处置权称作自由。社会契约所规定的交税的义务,导致相应于税收的这部分财产的处置自由被让渡。

关于claim right的中文翻译,如果不能用“利权”,那么“要求权”就可以了。新词能避免就避免;俺考虑使用“利权”主要是觉得这是个闲置不用的老词。但是要想用“利权”取代“权利”难度实在太大;俺刚刚查了一下日文资料,原来日语里right都翻译成“权利”。港台也一样。如果要想避免和“权力”的谐音,还不如用“权柄”取代后者。用“利权”取代“权利”真的有助于澄清概念吗?

【 在 lihlii 的大作中提到: 】
: 我对 privilege 这个词并无疑惑,因为 liberty 这个概念当初一开始也是 privilege 的意思,并且是君主授予的 franchise。因为在封建制度中,掠夺性占有是常态,君主有能力剥夺任何人的利权,因此,自由成为一种特权被授予,其实就是免于被剥夺的特别许可。这和黑帮强盗放生一些被绑票的人质差不多意思。
: 但是 power 这个词用于二阶 liberty,这让我无法理解
: (以下引言省略...)

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※ 修改:.stuartl 于 Jul 19 05:34:06 修改本文.[FROM:]
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发表于 7-19-2009 01:19:14 | 显示全部楼层

Re: liberty right 和 claim right


Hohfeld对于权利的解析是在法律的框架内进行的,严谨的学者如Peter Jones(1994年出版学术著作Rights,讨论了Hohfeld体系)也指出Hohfeld体系在法律规则(包括受法律保护的个人契约)之外的适用性有待讨论,但俺粗浅考虑的结果是Hohfeld体系在逻辑上讲可以适用于所有的权利,甚至包括丛林法则和强盗山寨内的广义“权利”,因为从逻辑操作的角度上讲,丛林法则、强盗山寨、专制政权、民主政权的规则体系都存在或多或少的强制性,或多或少的违背某些成员的意愿;道义的区别不等于逻辑的区别。


人与人之间通过契约来调节社会关系是绝对必要的,野蛮侵犯他人的自由必须被让渡,所以国内学者邓新华提出“权利就是自愿”,要求任何一项权利所涉及的各方都出乎自愿,不能违背任何一方的意愿加以侵犯。这个论点与您的“自由契约”、“元利权”相合。满足自愿这一条件的契约所规范的liberty right和与之伴随的claim right就是在合乎伦理的前提下最基本的权利,这是自由主义的理想状态。只要涉及契约就存在义务,有义务就有claim right(在这一层面主要落实于外界不得侵犯这样的消极义务;甲方claim right来自乙方义务,这是Hohfeld体系的一对correlative)。您认为“他人不得侵犯”不是 claim right而是liberty right的特征,如果脱离Hohfeld体系是可以这样说的,但liberty right和claim right这两个英文术语来自Hohfeld体系,所以最好不要脱离Hohfeld体系给这两个术语下新的定义,而是应该用别的词或另创新词。其实通常意义上、尤其是政治意义上的自由/liberty就包含了Hohfeld的liberty right和在契约之下与之共生的“他人不得侵犯”这一消极claim right,所以自由/liberty就很合适了。考虑到这一点,俺不再坚持用“自由”来翻译liberty right;为了精确,或许可以称之为“自由(狭义)”。

关于power,作为第二级liberty right,其实就相当于修改权利义务范围的自由,在正常的制度之内是受严格限制的,但在极端情况下(如您举的黑帮绑架人质的例子)就完全不合乎道义,和一级自由里面的烧杀淫掠一样。只要有契约就连带产生power和immunity这对二级权利,现在学术界也把power和immunity归并于liberty right和claim right,所以不必过多考虑。但是如果仔细分析许多权利的细节,比如买卖、转让、放弃,都属于power。财产权所包含的处置权就是个人有权修改自己财产的占有权(claim right)的范围,是power,但人们通常把财产处置权称作自由。社会契约所规定的交税的义务,导致相应于税收的这部分财产的处置自由被让渡。

关于claim right的中文翻译,如果不能用“利权”,那么“要求权”就可以了。新词能避免就避免;俺考虑使用“利权”主要是觉得这是个闲置不用的老词。但是要想用“利权”取代“权利”难度实在太大;俺刚刚查了一下日文资料,原来日语里right都翻译成“权利”。港台也一样。如果要想避免和“权力”的谐音,还不如用“权柄”取代后者。用“利权”取代“权利”真的有助于澄清概念吗?

【 在 lihlii 的大作中提到: 】
: 我对 privilege 这个词并无疑惑,因为 liberty 这个概念当初一开始也是 privilege 的意思,并且是君主授予的 franchise。因为在封建制度中,掠夺性占有是常态,君主有能力剥夺任何人的利权,因此,自由成为一种特权被授予,其实就是免于被剥夺的特别许可。这和黑帮强盗放生一些被绑票的人质差不多意思。
: 但是 power 这个词用于二阶 liberty,这让我无法理解
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发表于 7-19-2009 01:46:10 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


关于liberty right与claim right的交换,俺觉得有两层含义:其一是政治上的、不严格的说法,社会契约所规定的社会成员让渡的liberty right和得到的claim right不是直接交换而是经由政府,一方面具体个人的付出与回报不平衡,另一方面政府内耗导致社会成员全体得到的回馈少于总付出。其二是具体每一项契约只要给某人规定了义务就减少了他的liberty right,而此人的义务又导致契约中的对方获得claim right,所以这里的交换是精确的。。。

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 谢谢给出原文,看来我在这点上的确错了,可能是混淆了后来某些人的修正和Hohfeld的原意,很抱歉(Hohfeld的原著以及法学界相关争论是很早以前读的,和我后来的方向没有什么联系,而我又比较同意批评者认为这种体系用处不大的观点,加上这次回帖时手头没有参考书,细节上果然出问题了,惭愧惭愧)。等我回学校以后再找找关于
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发表于 7-19-2009 01:46:10 | 显示全部楼层

Re: 基于权利的概念分析政治左右派的区别和土共的本质zz


关于liberty right与claim right的交换,俺觉得有两层含义:其一是政治上的、不严格的说法,社会契约所规定的社会成员让渡的liberty right和得到的claim right不是直接交换而是经由政府,一方面具体个人的付出与回报不平衡,另一方面政府内耗导致社会成员全体得到的回馈少于总付出。其二是具体每一项契约只要给某人规定了义务就减少了他的liberty right,而此人的义务又导致契约中的对方获得claim right,所以这里的交换是精确的。。。

【 在 dikaios 的大作中提到: 】
: 谢谢给出原文,看来我在这点上的确错了,可能是混淆了后来某些人的修正和Hohfeld的原意,很抱歉(Hohfeld的原著以及法学界相关争论是很早以前读的,和我后来的方向没有什么联系,而我又比较同意批评者认为这种体系用处不大的观点,加上这次回帖时手头没有参考书,细节上果然出问题了,惭愧惭愧)。等我回学校以后再找找关于
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