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发表于 9-5-2014 18:30:59 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
桑特, 中国学生到美国上中学. VOA Chinese, Sept 5, 2014

, which is translated from

Shannon Van Sant, Chinese Students Flock to US High Schools in Soaring Numbers. VOA, Sept 5, 2014
www.voanews.com/content/as-chine ... lments/2439534.html

(i) The Dutch surname Van Sant is a variant of Van Zandt.
(ii) Th Dutch surname Van Zandt is “for someone from any of the places called Zandt, in Gelderland, Friesland, South Holland, and Zeeland.”

(b) “Grace Liu, 17, grew up in Tianjin, a city of 14 million people on China’s east coast. This year she is a junior at a high school in America’s Deep South.”

VOA translation: 格雷斯.刘(译音)今年17岁。她在天津长大。天津是位于中国东部沿海的城市,人口1千4百万。今年,格雷斯是美国南方一所中学高中三年级的学生了。

NOT “高中三年级,” but 二年级.

(c) “Liu is enrolled at the Rabun Gap Nacoochee school in Rabun Gap, a small town in Georgia. She is one of more than 30,000 Chinese at American high schools, many of whom pay tuition of upwards of $50,000 to attend school in the United States. Anthony Sgro, head of the Rabun Gap School, said the number of applications from students in China is way up.”
(i) Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School
(private co-educational; Affiliation  Presbyterian Church; Location  339 Nacoochee Dr[ive], Rabun Gap, Rabun County, Georgia--”in the Appalachian Mountains”; both a boarding and a day school; grades 5-12; “Andrew Jackson Ritchie, a Rabun County native, and his wife, Addie Corn Ritchie, founded the Rabun Gap Industrial School in 1903 to serve the children of the isolated and poverty-stricken community Rabun Gap”)
(ii) Rabun County, Georgia
(The county is named for William Rabun, who served as the 11th Governor of Georgia from his election in 1817 until his death in 1819)
(iii) The “$50,000” may be needed if one attends a boarding school.
(iv) The south Italian surname Sgrò:  “nickname for someone with curly hair, from medieval Greek sgouros ‘curly’”

(d) “‘When our students open up The Wall Street Journal or watch CBS News at night, they’ll see a write-up about China * * *.’ said Sgro.”

write-up (n; First Known Use 1885): “a written account; especially :  a flattering article”
(e) “Yvette Yang, 17, said she and her Chinese classmates are part of a new, very global, future.”
(i) Yvette (given name)
(the French feminine form of Yves, which means yew or archer in some cases)

* pronunciation --in English anyway (my impression is consonant(s) at the end of a French word is NOT pronounced):

(ii) Yvonne
(Since yew wood was used for bows, Ivo may have been an occupational name meaning "archer")

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