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’泛民能活着,足证国家包容’: 张晓明

发表于 9-13-2014 09:52:01 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 9-13-2014 09:54 编辑

张晓明试图澄清 '活着论' 继续引发争议. BBC Chinese, Sept 13, 2014
www.bbc.co.uk/zhongwen/simp/chin ... zhangxiaoming.shtml

(a) “路透社周五(12日)就张晓明的说法发表声明,坚称报道无误,并表示报道来自两个独立消息来源,而且确信翻译准确。声明还重申,张晓明没有回应他们的询问。”
(i) James Pomfret, China’s Hong Kong Chief Says Remarks to Lawmakers Were Misrepresented in Media/ Reuters, Sept 13, 2014

* Lee Cheuk-yan  李卓人
(ii) The last paragraph of the Reuters Sept 12 report quoted a Reuters statement.

Reuters does not have a Web page (with a unique URL) for the particular statement. Probably the quotation in the Reuters Sept 12 report is all that there is--in other words, the quotation is complete, in toto.

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 楼主| 发表于 9-13-2014 09:54:02 | 只看该作者

(b) Reuters report a day earlier:

China asserts paternal rights over Hong Kong in democracy clashBy James PomfretHONG KONG Thu Sep 11, 2014 6:31am EDTwww.reuters.com/article/2014/09/11/us-china-hongkong-insight-idUSKBN0H600120140911

two consecutive paragraphs:

“After the formal smiles and handshakes with Zhang Xiaoming, the head of China's Liaison Office in Hong Kong, the mood soured. Pro-democracy lawmaker Leung Yiu-chung 梁耀忠 asked Zhang whether Beijing would allow any democrat to run for the city’s highest office.

“Zhang, 51, dressed in a black suit and a navy blue striped tie, delivered a blunt response. ‘The fact that you are allowed to stay alive, already shows the country's inclusiveness,’ he answered, according to two people in the room who declined to be named. Zhang's office did not respond to several faxed requests for comment.

(i) "’The Occupy Central with Love and Peace’ 讓愛與和平佔領中環 movement coalesced in January 2013 after Benny Tai, a law professor at the University of Hong Kong, wrote a newspaper column 信報專欄 proposing a Gandhi-like civil disobedience movement – an escalation from the usual marches and candlelight vigils – to press for universal suffrage.”

Benny TAI Yiu-ting 戴耀廷, Associate Professor 香港大學法律系副教授
(ii) “Jasper Tsang [Yok-sing 曾鈺成], one of the founders of the pro-Beijing Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong 民主建港協進聯盟, the city's largest political party, said China’s leaders never promised full democracy.”

(c) Apple Daily summarized the Reuters Sept 11 report in CHINESE.

荒唐 陸官嗆泛民「北京讓你們活著」. 蘋果日報 (Taiwan), 2014年09月12日
www.appledaily.com.tw/appledaily ... /20140912/36079618/荒唐陸官嗆泛民「北京讓你們活著」

My comment: Why the URL is Apple Taiwan, rather than Apple Hong Kong (which I can not find, despite diligent search), I have no idea.

(d) It is 1:50 pm EDT, Sept 13, 2014. VoA Chinese has not published anything on this topic.
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