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Japan Is Rich, But Many of Its Children Are Poor

发表于 1-24-2024 11:28:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 choi 于 1-24-2024 11:54 编辑

Yuri Kageyama, Japan Is Rich, But Many of Its Children Are Poor; A Film Documents the Plight of Single Mothers. Associated Press, Jan 23, 2024.
https://news.yahoo.com/japan-ric ... poor-081713979.html

Note: The given name of the reporter is yuri (n) 百合.
(a) The Ones Left Behind: The Plight of Single Mothers in Japan.  取り残された人々:日本におけるシングルマザーの苦境.
(i) Japanese-English dictionary:
* 取り残す 【とりのこす】 (v): "to leave behind" (取り残されたis the past participle of this verb.)
* 人々 is the plural of 人.
* okeru おける 《於ける》 is a verb meaning "be situated, be located." (In 日本における, the に (pronounced ni) is the preposition denoting where a noun -- here, シングルマザー -- is located. In other words, 日本におけるis a clause that modified シングルマザー.)
* Pronounced shinguru and maza- (where the dash - means a long vowel (of za here)), シングル and マザー are katakana for "single" and "mother." (As you may guess by now, hiragana and katakana has different ways to signify a long vowel, the former has "macron (diacritic)" (actuyally a horizontal bar ATOP the verb in the romanization, whereas a dash - BEHIND a verb in katakana.)
* kukyō 苦境 【くきょう】 (n): "difficult situation; adverse circumstances; predicament; trouble; dilemma; distress"
(ii) The film's director 監督 is Rionne McAvoy ライオーン・マカヴォイ.

His wife and the film's producer プロデューサー is マカヴォイ あゆ里 (the given name is あゆ里 Ayuri; apparently Japanese like this combination of sounds and (later) find various kanji to account for any of the three syllables. Also note that she places the married (sur)name AHEAD OF her given name.

(b) " 'The Ones Left Behind' was the Best Documentary Winner at the Miyakojima Charity International Film Festival last year and an official selection at the Yokohama International Film Festival."
(i) Best Documentary Winner at Miyakojima Charity International Film Festival  宮古島国際映画祭ドキュメンタリー部門最優秀作品賞
(A) Part of Okinawa Prefecture, Miyakojima 宮古島 is 380 km due easy of City of Taipei.
(B) Pronounced dokyumentari- (the dash for a long vowel; namely this dash is not kanji for "one" ー),ドキュメンタリー is katakana for documentary.
(C) Japanese-English dictionary:
* bu-mon 部門 【ぶもん】 (n): "division (of a larger group); branch"
* shōtai 招待 【しょうたい】 (n,v): "invitation"
   ^ Yes, this term means differently from that in China. Hence in Japan: 招待客 invitee; 招待券 complimentary ticket or invitation ticket; 招待講演 invited lecture; 招待講演者 guest speaker; 招待状 letter of invitation; 招待席 seats reserved for guests.
(ii) an official selection at the Yokohama International Film Festival   横浜国際映画祭 正式招待作品

(c) "Akihiko KATŌ [加藤 彰彦], a professor at Meiji University" 明治大学 (1881- ; private; in Tokyo)

(d) "Yanfei Zhou, a social science professor at Japan Women's University"
(i) Japan Women's University  日本女子大学
("was established [in] 1901 by education reformist Jinzo Naruse")
(A) The ja.wikipedia.org says its English abbreviation is JWU, Japanese ones 本女 or 日女.
(B) Jinzō NARUSE  成瀬 仁蔵

Kanji 仁 has three Chinese pronunciations: jin, ni, nin.
(C) Japanese-English dictionary:
* naru なる 《成る》 (v): "(1) (uk) to become * * * (4) to be completed; to be realized; to succeed"
* kyō-in 教員 【きょういん】
* ichiran 一覧 【いちらん】 (n): "list; table; catalog"
* kaku-sa 格差 【かくさ】 (n): "disparity; gap"  (The kaku is Kanji 格's Chinese pronunciation.)
* ji-ssho kenkyū  実証研究 【じっしょうけんきゅう】 (n): "empirical research:
   ^ ji-ssho 実証 【じっしょう】 (n,v): "demonstration; verification; substantiation; actual proof"
* bun-ya 分野 【ぶんや】 (n): "field"
(A) 人間社会学部 教員一覧. 日本女子大学, undated
https://www.jwu.ac.jp/unv/academ ... /teacher/index.html

シュウ エンビ
周 燕飛


研究分野[:] 経済学

研究テーマ・内容[:] 労働経済学、社会保障論")
(B) At the top of the Web page are two tabs: JP and EN. Click EN, for the same professor, one gets * * * nothing!
(C) 人間社会学部 in not found in every university in Japan; and, when there is such a faculty, is translated differently, made up of at least departments of sociology and psychology. 人間 in Japan means the same as 人. 日本女子大学 translates 人間社会学部 as Faculty of Integrated Arts and Social Sciences, which consists of, in that university,
Department of Studies on Contemporary Society  現代社会学科 (to which 周 燕飛 belongs)
Department of Social Welfare
Department of Education
Department of Psychology
Department of Humanities and Cultures

周 燕飛 is pronounced in Japan as シュウ エンビ Shū  En-bi. (Kanj 飛 is pronounced as ji in Chinese pronunciation, which is then softened to bi (because 飛 is situated not in the beginning of the word group.

学部 gakubu is translated as faculty (following the way of France (according to ja.wikipedia.org for 学部) when Japan opened up during Meiji, which is college in the United States.  学科 gakka is a department under a faculty.

ミクロ経済学 microeconomics (ミクロ is pronounced mikuro, whereas the first i in microeconomics is pronounced the same as the second i.


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