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Indian Americans

发表于 5-8-2024 11:24:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(a) Sakshi Venkatraman, Indian Americans, After passing Chinese in US population, Are Awakening to Their Political Power. Indian Americans say they cannot be ignored this election cycle and are more sure than ever of what they want from their leaders. Experts say they could help turn the tide in 2024. NBC News, May 8, 2024.
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asi ... mp-biden-rcna147069

third paragraph: "Those who identified as 'Indian-alone' — or 100% Indian — on the 2020 US Census number 4.4 million, overtaking the 'Chinese-alone' population, which was previously the highest. When multiracial Americans are considered, Chinese is still the largest Asian group in the country, but the milestone pointed to how the Indian population has rocketed over the last decade.

(b) Venkatraman helpfully supplied a hyperlink to
Brittany Rico, Joyce Key Hahn and Cody Spence, Chinese, Except Taiwanese, Was the Largest Asian Alone or in Any Combination Group; Nepalese Population Grew Fastest. United Strates Cemsus Bureau, Sept 21, 2023.
https://www.census.gov/library/s ... ian-population.html

"Chinese, Except Taiwanese"?  Anyone familiar with census (not just 2020 but those before) knows census form provided (about five) choices for Chinese etc (but not Taiwanese), then there is other with an empty box for one to fill it in. I select "other" and filled it in with handwritten "Taiwanese. But there are Taiwanese who would not bother and ticked "Chinese" (in part because it is more convenient to check).

(a) Because it is 2020 census data (which anyone in the United States can participate in -- nobody forces you to or not to), it (data) includes illegal aliens.
(b) Indians are now third-largest group of undocumented immigrants in the United States. See
Jeffrey S Passel and Jens Manuel Krogstad, What We Know About Unauthorized Immigrants Living in the US. Pew Reaserch Center, Nov 16, 2023
https://www.pewresearch.org/shor ... s-living-in-the-us/
(2021 estiimate)

Jens (given name)
("derivative of Johannes")
Note that in Herman, the letter j is pronounced the same as yin English.

(3) history:
(a) Chinese Immigration. PBS, undated (under the heading "History Detectives")
https://www.pbs.org/opb/historyd ... hinese-immigration/
(The Elise in sentence 1/ introduction was Elyse Luray,

, which was part of

Immigration. PBS, undated (under the heading "History Detectives").
https://www.pbs.org/opb/historyd ... igration/index.html
(i) Indian diaspora
("According to a [India's] Ministry of External Affairs report, there are 29 million NRIs [Non-Resident Indians] and PIOs [People of Indian Origi] (including OCIs [Overseas Citizenship of India]) residing outside India; and overseas Indians comprise the world's largest overseas diaspora.[1] Every year 2.5 million (25 lakh) Indians migrate overseas, which is the highest annual number of migrants in the world")
(ii) Ari Hoffman and Jeanne Batalova, Indian Immigrants in the United States. Migration Policy Institute, Dec 7, 2022
https://www.migrationpolicy.org/ ... -united-states-2021

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