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House Holds Attorney General in Contempt, as Biden Ordered Him to Withhold Tapes

发表于 6-12-2024 14:25:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Elizabeth Elkind, Anna Paulina Luna Vows to Force Vote on Garland's Arrest If DOJ Doesn't Follow Through on Contempt. Fix News, June 12, 2024 10:10am EDT
https://www.foxnews.com/politics ... ow-through-contempt

(a) Take notice that the remark (by the representative) was made "Tuesday evening" -- on the eve of the contempt vote which was done and passed this (Wednesday) afternoon.
(b) Journalists did not go to law school. I learn for the first time that Congress has inherent power to hold people in contempt -- Just like court. But Supreme Court has had decisions to say when court may do this, so that a person at the court will not be subject to the whim f a judge.
(c) The "inherent power" is in contrast to statutory authority (that is, federal statutes, enacted by Congress, listing when, why and how a person may be held in contempt.
(d) "Under the inherent contempt power of the House, the recalcitrant witness may be arrested and brought to trial before the bar of the House, with the offender facing possible incarceration. 3 Hinds Sec. 1685. At the trial of the witness in the House, questions may be put to the witness by the Speaker (2 Hinds Sec. 1602) or by a committee (2 Hinds Sec. 1617; 3 Hinds Sec. 1668)."

Chapter 17. Contempt. In House Practice; A Guide to the rules, precedents and procedures of the House. Government Publishing Office. Apr 26, 2024 (GPO publishes House Practice about every six years or so).
https://www.govinfo.gov/content/ ... PRACTICE-112-18.htm
(e) The "3 Hinds Sec. 1685." means Hinds volume 3, section 1685.

"Hinds' Precedent" is a shot hand for the full title: "Hinds' Precedents of the House of Representatives of the United States: Including References to Provisions of the Constitution, the Laws, and Decisions of the United States Senate." Published in 1907, there were three volumes. They can be purchased in Amazon (etc) and GPO (which publishes it online for free).

Hinds' Precedents, Volume 3. GPO, undated
("Asher C Hinds, Clerk at the Speaker's Table of the U.S. House of Representatives, compiled the early precedents of the House of Representatives, dating from the First Congress. This volume is part of the first half of an eleven-volume series containing selected rulings made by the Chair between 1789 and 1936. Volumes 1-5 are entitled Hinds' Precedents and were published in 1907. Cannon's Precedents entail volumes 6-11 and were published in 1936")

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